Portfolio Categories: Case studies

A volunteer holds a young baby as part of the Birth Partner Project.

Birth Partner Project

‘WCVA - Birth Partner Project’ The Birth Partner Project is a charity who provide support to women seeking sanctuary who would otherwise face pregnancy, labour, and motherhood alone. Since the launch of their organisation in 2016, their volunteer birth partners [...]
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Bev looking at her phone

Care & Repair

‘Care & Repair’ In 2023 we were commissioned by charity Care & Repair Cymru to produce a series of case studies highlighting the great work their Managing Better service provides to communities across Wales. We met with Dai, Pauline and [...]
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Client being pushed in Wheelchair

WCVA – NHS 75th Anniversary

‘Health & Social Care – NHS 75 year Anniversary’ This video for WCVA Cymru was made for the NHS 75th anniversary to commemorate and celebrate the links between the voluntary sector and the NHS. This video showcases the incredible work [...]
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